Let’s be honest. When it comes to quitting smoking, going cold turkey is not only hell but most of the time, it doesn’t work.
You start out with the best intentions, but once the withdrawals set in, you feel so awful – you give up and start smoking again.
If you are ready to stop smoking or vaping for good without feeling like sh*t, you need a different approach.
We have developed a unique program using Hypnotherapy, NLP, and supplement therapy to take you through an easy process of quitting smoking, helping you follow a plan that will support you in overcoming smoking for good.
Without feeling like crap… We also help you to address the underlying reasons of why you smoke, give you the tools to be committed, deal with withdrawals and navigate the issues that come up after you quit.
The Smoking Cure Ebook (Amazon BestSeller)
The Smoking Cure Workbook
Getting Ready To Quit Audio
Breaking Up With Nicotine Audio
Healing The Part Of You That Wants To Smoke Audio
Quit Smoking Session Audio
Non Smoker For Life Session Audio
Clear Your Cravings Audio
Recommended Supplements
The Stop Smoking Contract
Lots of Tools and Techniques to Quit Smoking of Vaping
With the Covid-19 crisis taking place, your health (especially your lung health) is the most important asset you have to protect.
We are the authors of the Amazon bestseller The Smoking Cure: How to Quit Smoking Without Feeling Like Sh*t and founders of The Integrative Hypnotherapy Institute so we are very experienced helping people overcome smoking and vaping for good.
We tailor a quit smoking hypnotherapy session just for you, based on your individual needs. Worried about gaining weight? Do you use smoking as a stress relief?
Hypnosis, Hypnotherapy & NLP is an effective way to help to quit smoking and to stop smoking and stay smoke free. Opt for a Smoke-Free Life with Hypnosis, Hypnotherapy, & NLP in Auckland, NZ
Quit Smoking and become Smokefree with Hypnosis Hypnotherapy & NLP with Caroline Cranshaw and Grant Bodle in Auckland NZ or Quit Smoking Hypnotherapy via a Zoom session.
Hypnosis, Hypnotherapy & NLP is a effective way to help to quit smoking and to stop smoking and stay smoke free. Once you make the decision to stop smoking – using hypnosis, hypnotherapy & NLP may help you to succeed with how to stop smoking and be a non-smoker for life.
Resources to help with how to quit smoking:
🔹 Self Love Meditation: Begin the journey of self-acceptance.
🔹 Clearing Your Fears and Stress: Let this meditation guide you into tranquility.
🔹 Healing Guided Meditation: Unleash the power of healing within you.
Sign up now to download your free meditations.