Please don’t be put of by the name, or the fact that it involves ‘virtual’ surgery. We could call it “Mind Body Health’s Weight Loss Program”, however the VGB Program is recognised around the world, and we have enhanced and improved not only the techniques but also the success rate. Join over 1500 successful clients whose average weight loss after 6 weeks is a remarkable 8.2kg and after only three of the four sessions.
Are you looking to get your body confidence back? Or simply struggling to shift those last few stubborn pounds?
The Virtual Gastric Band is a remarkable 4 session weight loss program – personalised to you. We also address your stress, sleep, and any addictions in every session to ensure the best result possible, available in our Auckland offices or via Zoom.
A Virtual Gastric Band is like ‘flicking a switch in the brain.’ It changes a person’s attitude towards food and helps them regain control over cravings and bad habits. Weight is lost natural and consistent without dieting.
You will receive a recording of each hypnosis session, plus multiple support audios with each session plus lots of resources and information to help you personally achieve your weight loss goals. We don’t just help you lose weight, we help you change your life…
Struggling to lose weight can seem overwhelming. Especially when it’s always been a battle, and has been ANYTHING but easy.
If you’re being honest, it totally SUCKS.
You spend hours everyday thinking about how you need to lose weight and feeling UNHAPPY with your body.
You know exactly what to do to lose weight but can’t seem to stop yourself from bingeing on junk food even though you KNOW it’s bad for you.
Or even worse, you do everything right, and your body REFUSES to lose weight, no matter what you try.
You’ve tried EVERYTHING, from Keto, Weight Watchers, diet pills and even fasting, but it feels like nothing is going to work.
You’ve been trying to lose weight for so long that it feels like you’re never going to figure it out.
Maybe starting a new diet is the answer. Spoiler alert: it’s NOT…
If you are sick of feeling fat and you’re ready to lose the extra weight for good without feeling like it’s a constant struggle, you need a different approach.
The fact is: whether you’re not losing weight because you’re eating crap OR you’re doing every right but the weight refuses to budge, the solution is still the same.
Are you ready for the life changing secret that will help you overcome not only your issues with weight, but almost every other problem you have?
If you’re not getting the results you want, you need to point the finger at your subconscious mind, the primitive survival-focused part of your mind and the outdated, protective programs it’s running.
What you need to realize is… it’s not your fault if your body refuses to lose weight. Your issue with your weight is not due to a lack of knowledge. You know exactly what to do to lose weight, but it’s your body and subconscious mind that are refusing to comply.
The answer to making easy, lasting change is in your subconscious mind. If you’re not losing weight, the most likely reason is that your subconscious mind has programs that are trying to keep you fat. Programs that are surprisingly simple to update and to transform your body into a fat-burning machine with the right techniques.
To shed the fat and keep it off, you need to reprogram your subconscious mind to know it’s safe for you to be thin. The fastest and easiest way to do this is through guided visualization. And reprogram your mind to feel full faster and be satisfied with eating smaller portions of (most of the time) healthy food.
This program will help you to eat less, get rid of your food cravings, address your sabotaging behavior and love exercise, to lose the weight for good while feeling better right from the start.
Change can be as simple as laying back, closing your eyes and allowing the relaxing power of hypnosis to update the unhelpful programs in your subconscious mind. Updating the programs that are responsible for your habits and behaviours. And when they are programmed to behave like a thin person, you lose weight. Without crazy diets, starving yourself or exercising until you collapse…
Now you can download The Relax Yourself Thin Weight Loss Program with the Virtual Gastric Band to listen to at home.
🔹 Self Love Meditation: Begin the journey of self-acceptance.
🔹 Clearing Your Fears and Stress: Let this meditation guide you into tranquility.
🔹 Healing Guided Meditation: Unleash the power of healing within you.
Sign up now to download your free meditations.